Thursday, April 03, 2008

Day Two - Downtown D.C. . .

The first place we went downtown, after one of McCartney's many bathroom stops, was the White House. It wasn't nearly as impressive as I thought it would be. It actually looked a heck of a lot smaller than I thought it would. On one side, there was a man wearing an "Out of Iraq" sign and singing, it freaked my kids out. On the other, there were many people taking pictures.

Here are the kids in front of the Capital building. It was not very busy and the kids played around the grounds a little bit. The reason there may not have been many people there was probably because they had a sort of rally on the green. It was anti-circumcision and they had signs that said, "A foreskin is not a WMD" and "Foreskin is not a birth defect" and "Circumcision is TORTURE". I found it quite funny.

Here the kids are in Lafayette Park right across from the White House. We spent quite a bit of time standing in front of all the monuments and memorials all around the city while the kids climbed up the stairs and posed on the monuments. . .


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was hoping to see some Cherry Blossoms. Are they not in bloom yet?
I felt the same way about the White House - much smaller than I was expecting. However, it's gorgeous at night! We even saw secret service men on the roof.
Funny about the circumcision demonstration. I don't get the WMD thing. Has anybody ever thought a foreskin was a bomb? On the other hand, maybe this will help some expecting parents think. I didn't know anything about it and my little boy got a horrible infection after a circumcision. I wish I would have just skipped it all together (he might have wished that too).
Last time I was in DC they had a big rally and parade for immigration. It was nuts - traffic blocked and everything.
So much to see and do in DC!

Friday, April 04, 2008 2:05:00 AM  
Blogger TLC Tugger said...

I participated in the DC anti-circumcision rally last year. Folks in the US don't realize that 95% of the non-Muslim world does not circumcise. I recall explaining the protest to German and French tourists there; they thought it was INSANE that we cut infants. The US is the LAST country still routinely circumcising infants for non-religious reasons.

Friday, April 04, 2008 12:26:00 PM  

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